
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

31st August 2023 19:49:07 Hours

SLACAL - SVB Provides More Relief Packs to Women Soldiers

Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock - Seva Vanitha Branch (SLACAL-SVB) launched a welfare project to distribute dry ration packs among 275 women soldiers and civil staff serving in the SLACAL.

The symbolic distribution of 100 such packs among beneficiaries took place on Wednesday (23 August) at the Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps auditorium in Panagoda.

Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President of Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) graced the event as the Chief Guest, together with Major General W.B.S.M Abeysekera RSP VSV USP, Director General Financial Management and Colonel Commandant of SLACAL and Mrs Shanthi Abeysekera, Chairperson of SLACAL - SVB.

During the event, beneficiaries received dry ration packs each worth more than Rs. 6800.00. Brigadier B.N Madanayake RWP RSP, Director, Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock, Brigadier N Mahawithana KSP, Brigadier Coordinating at ASVU, senior members of the SLACAL - SVB, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks also participated in the event.