
Security Force (Central)

12th March 2024 08:00:00 Hours


A series of functions and events in line with the 11th Anniversary Celebrations of the Security Force Headquarters was conducted upon the guidance of Major General Rohitha Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc, Commander Security Force (Central) on both 13 and 14 of March 2024.

Troops of security force headquarters attended cleanup campaign at the Sanasuma Elders Home at Amunudowa, Bandarawela on 12 March, and on the following day troops offered lunch for the inmates and provided musical entertainment. Two teams representing all branches and sections of the headquarters met at the cricket encounter in the afternoon of 13 March. Commander Security Force (Central) presented trophies and medals for the Champions and Runners-up teams.

After the Dharma preaching ceremony held in the evening on 13 March, 25 Monks from nearest temples were escorted to the premises of headquarters and troops offered them mid-day alms.

The musical extravaganza and the all ranks get-together were held in the evening of 14 March, at the Golf Club grounds, where all officers and troops shared joy and happiness of the 11th Anniversary celebration.