
Security Force Headquarters

02nd November 2021 07:47:50 Hours


The Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General C D Ranasinghe RWP RSP made his first official visit to 65 Infantry Division and 56 Infantry Division on 20 Oct 2021..

Security Force Commander was warmly welcomed by General Officer Commanding Major General K A Samarasiri RWP RSP USP psc of the 65 Infantry Division and subsequently Mango sapling was planted the premises of headquarters office complex followed by a group photograph with officers and a comprehensive briefing was done in relevance of the Operational and Administrational tasks carried out by 65 Infantry Division and visited the 652 Infantry Brigade. .

After Commander Security Force (Wanni), visited the 56 Infantry Division Headquarter and under Command Brigades of 561, 563. Commander Security Force (Wanni) Warmly welcomed by General Officer Commanding Major General U U K L S Perera RWP RSP USP psc of the 56 Infantry Division and subsequently Dewadara sapling was planted the premises of headquarters office complex and a comprehensive briefing was done in relevance of the Operational and Administrational tasks carried out by 56 Infantry Division visit of 561 and 563 Infantry Brigades..

General Officer Commanding 65 and 56 Infantry Divisions, Brigade Commanders and Commanding Officers of under command Battalions, senior officers SFHQ (Wanni) attended for the visits..